2022 presents new MACRA strategies, both at the ACO level, and for each individual TIN within an ACO. Both strategies depend on near-real-time data.
Part 1: Convert TIN CQMs into ACO CQMs with MACRA scoring rules
Since ACOs will need to obtain CQM data from TINs (optional in 2022, mandatory in 2023), Our MACRA Monitor service supports every Member TIN, regardless of their EHR capabilities. Throughout the year, we share analysis of strengths and weaknesses. At year end, our tools manage submission for your Members.
Part 2: Identify low scoring TINs, Interact for remediation
Ou Concierge team meets virtually with your member clinics about MACRA. For some clients, we do this weekly. For others it is monthly or quarterly - all your choice. But in all cases you see the results in real time.
The result is that we help and coach each clinic on what they need to do, and what they need to know, and what is the result of their actions on everyone. At the ACO, you see these results in real time. No need to prepare spreadsheets ... it is all in our database. And at year-end, the database generates a submittable JSON file in CMS format. Submission is as simple as a button push.
Part 3: MACRA Monitor's ACO Peer Review Dashboard captures, evaluates, and communicates MACRA content throughout the year, so everyone can pitch in to improve MCS and Medicare Reimbursement timely enough to make a difference. And just to make it easier, our Concierge service can easily be your proxy in supporting your clinics.
Just imagine, what it would be like, if every clinic in your ACO could understand their financial and operational achievements, compared against the targets you set!
Part 4: Financial Analyses - know the MACRA-side financial impact of your decisions! Our software automatically displays - in real time - the financial impact to each unique TIN of their MACRA position, compared against a realistic target, tied to their expected MACRA scores.
Some TINs will benefit from supplemental submission strategies. Any TIN with scores above the ACO scores can provide easy supplemental submission to CMS - and our tools will highlight just how much extra money this supplemental submission will earn for each TIN.
If you want to know the difference between us and your other MACRA vendors, just ask them to show you how much money you will make (or not) on MACRA for this year's performance.
For us, every measure and every action is tied to the prediction of how much money you will earn or lose.
Your other vendors might not even want you to know the financial implications of their relationship.
Improving MACRA Metrics comes from a regular program, throughout the year. We get started as soon as a full month's data is available, and follow a regimen of extract, report, analyze and plan and act for every month thereafter.
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