What would it be worth the be able to see ... in near real-time ... the aggregated eCQM results across all the TINs in your ACO?
We have been doing just that for years with Promoting Interoperability - with a light touch on your TINs and a no need for your IT team to get involved.
Your TINs don't need to do much other than generate the standard QRDAIII files their EHR is certified to create, and we do the rest. You see the results right away.
Later on, depending on which approach CMS finalizes we have you covered as well. Our certified Clinical Quality Registry can import, code and calculate results at the fundamental encounter level, if CMS so requires. After all, this is what we already do for thousands of providers.
As of spring of 2022 , CMS has not yet defined how ACOs will aggregate and report (to CMS for MIPS) quality metrics from TINs.
However, our reporting process and tool already aggregates CQM across multiple TINs, using the same algorithm CMS has always used for PI.
This approach may end up being one of the CMS submission options.
"... we noted that for both performance year 2022 and performance year 2023, ACOs would continue to have the opportunity to report on both the eCQMs/MIPS CQMs and the CMS Web Interface measures, and to have their MIPS quality performance category score based on the submission that receives a higher score." Page 65429, 2022 MIPS Final Rule
This year, ACO Member TINs can get even more money from MACRA, than what you earn for them.
Either way, CMS gives you the highest of multiple submissions. Talk to our ACO MIPS expert to disucss how either, or both ways can benefit your Member TINs.
Remember how no one has made money on MACRA yet? That changes dramatically in 2022.
Here's the key metric:
Prior to 2021, CMS never penalized more than 3% of all providers. In 2022, everyone below the average MIPS score will be penalized. That puts money in the distribution pool from around half of the providers in the countery.
Know at a glance where to focus. If every TIN is on an MACRA ACO Financial dashboard, you will always focus on where the biggest impact happens.
Overwhelmed by all the EHR technologies? So are your TINs! Adding in some Registry for your Hospital-based providers? We integrate all of it. Easily. And we educate your TINs in the process. Another dashboard lets you follow every interaction.
Our Concierge team can support your ACO team, with top MACRA expertise, or can be your primary contact for every single TIN. Either way, you will have access to a formal, quarterly / monthly optimization program. And each TIN chooses of how to interact.
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